
Tagged photos (43)

An exterior view of a public school yard, showcasing the architecture of a college or university campus. by mdxtth
An exterior view of a public school yard, showcasing the architecture of a college or university campus.
An exterior view of a public school yard, showcasing the architecture of a college or university campus. by mdxtth
An exterior view of a public school yard, showcasing the architecture of a college or university campus.
An exterior view of a public school yard, showcasing the architecture of a college or university campus. by mdxtth
An exterior view of a public school yard, showcasing the architecture of a college or university campus.
An exterior view of a public school yard, showcasing the architecture of a college or university campus. by mdxtth
An exterior view of a public school yard, showcasing the architecture of a college or university campus.
An exterior view of a public school yard, showcasing the architecture of a college or university campus. by mdxtth
An exterior view of a public school yard, showcasing the architecture of a college or university campus.
มหาวิทยาลัย University by thanaluck
มหาวิทยาลัย University
อาจารย์ Professor by thanaluck
อาจารย์ Professor
นักศึกษา Student by thanaluck
นักศึกษา Student
การศึกษาในต่างประเทศ Study Abroad by thanaluck
การศึกษาในต่างประเทศ Study Abroad
การศึกษาต่างประเทศ International Education by thanaluck
การศึกษาต่างประเทศ International Education
การฝึกงาน Internship by thanaluck
การฝึกงาน Internship
ปริญญาเอก PhD by thanaluck
ปริญญาเอก PhD
ทุนการศึกษา Scholarship by thanaluck
ทุนการศึกษา Scholarship
ปริญญาโท Master's Degree by thanaluck
ปริญญาโท Master's Degree
ปริญญาตรี Bachelor's Degree by thanaluck
ปริญญาตรี Bachelor's Degree
การศึกษา Education by thanaluck
การศึกษา Education
นักศึกษา Student by thanaluck
นักศึกษา Student
มหาวิทยาลัย University by thanaluck
มหาวิทยาลัย University
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 1 by thanaluck
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 1
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 2 by thanaluck
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 2
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 3 by thanaluck
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 3
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 4 by thanaluck
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 4
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 5 by thanaluck
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 5
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 6 by thanaluck
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 6
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 7 by thanaluck
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 7
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 8 by thanaluck
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 8
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 9 by thanaluck
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 9
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 10 by thanaluck
Capture a gaming club meeting in a university's student lounge 10
Snap a shot of university students collaborating on a robotics project 1 by thanaluck
Snap a shot of university students collaborating on a robotics project 1
Snap a shot of university students collaborating on a robotics project 2 by thanaluck
Snap a shot of university students collaborating on a robotics project 2
Snap a shot of university students collaborating on a robotics project 3 by thanaluck
Snap a shot of university students collaborating on a robotics project 3
Snap a shot of university students collaborating on a robotics project 4 by thanaluck
Snap a shot of university students collaborating on a robotics project 4
Snap a shot of university students collaborating on a robotics project 5 by thanaluck
Snap a shot of university students collaborating on a robotics project 5
Capture students engaging in a lively university lecture 1 by thanaluck
Capture students engaging in a lively university lecture 1
Capture students engaging in a lively university lecture 2 by thanaluck
Capture students engaging in a lively university lecture 2
Capture students engaging in a lively university lecture 3 by thanaluck
Capture students engaging in a lively university lecture 3