การบริหารการศึกษา Educational Administration
การบริหารการศึกษา educational administration การศึกษา education โรงเรียน school การสอน teaching การเรียนรู้ learning นักเรียน student ครู teacher การพัฒนาบุคลากร professional developmentSimilar Photos
Capture students engaging in a lively university lecture 3
by thanaluck
Document a student typing on a laptop in a modern classroom 7
by thanaluck
Take a picture of a biology teacher explaining a model of human DNA 8
by thanaluck
Take a photo of a math teacher solving problems on a blackboard 11
by thanaluck
Photograph a tutor assisting a student with homework in a library 7
by thanaluck
ครู Teacher
by thanaluck
ปริญญาเอก PhD
by thanaluck
Snap an image of a teacher using interactive technology with students 3
by thanaluck
Photograph a bustling school hallway during class change 2
by thanaluck
Capture a student playing a musical instrument in a school band 4
by thanaluck